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If you've ever had an outdoor cat, then you know that one
of the feline's favorite activities is climbing trees.
Though it is true that "what goes up must come down," when 
it comes to a cat, the coming down part is not always that 

Cats are naturally great climbers, but they aren't always 
that great at getting down.  Sometimes they refuse to budge 
because they're afraid of falling.  Or is it that he may be 
nervous about all the commotion down below?  Maybe it's you 
and half the neighborhood waving your arms and calling
"Here, kitty!" that's making him stay in his high-altitude
get away.

Here's what some experts recommend about getting your cat 
back down to earth:

--Don't rally around the tree. He may be out on a limb, but 
he may not necessarily need your help to get down.  Maybe he 
would even prefer it if you left him alone and quit begging
him to come down.  This may be a good time just to "give him 
some space."

--Just wait awhile.  Give him some time.  It is possible 
that he may not even be truly stuck; maybe he just hasn't 
gotten around to coming down yet.  (In fact, most cats are 
really quite capable of coming down by themselves.)

--Give your cat an entire day to come down on his own. BUT
if he's injured or is wearing a leash that could cause him 
to choke, you may have to go after him sooner.  The same 
is true if it's getting dark. Cats that stay in trees 
overnight could be attacked by wild animals like raccoons.

--Tempt his taste buds. Even cats in trees get hungry, 
and thirsty.  Try putting some of his favorite food and
some fresh water where he can see (and smell) it.  This 
may just him to come down in a hurry.

--Start a rescue mission. If your cat is simply too scared 
(or injured) to get down on his own, then the best thing to 
do is to climb up the tree and get him.  If the tree doesn't
have the right kind of branches for easy climbing, you'll 
need a ladder. An extension ladder generally works better 
than a stepladder. 

--Put on some protective gear before making the rescue.  A
treed cat is a scared cat, and may bite or scratch you while 
you're trying to rescue him.   Put on some heavy work gloves 
and a thick jacket for protection.

--Go for the neck. When grabbing a scared cat, it's best 
to catch the skin on the back of his neck. This is the same 
place mother cats use when carrying kittens, and most cats 
will go limp once you've taken hold and lifted them up.

--Make the first effort count. When grabbing for a treed 
cat, make sure you don't miss.  If you miss him on the first
grab attempt, he may climb even higher if he's able, making
the rescue even more difficult.

--Call in the cavalry. If your cat has been in the tree for 
more than a day and all your efforts to get him have failed,
then it's time to call in the pros.  Contact your local 
humane for help.  You may have to call an animal rescue 
service that knows what to do and can rescue any cat from 
anywhere in just a few minutes. 

Look in the Yellow Pages for a rescue service or call your 
vet for advice. 

